Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin swimsuit pics???

Guess what all the buzz is over the internet today? Ever since McCain announced Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, people (guys) are looking for her swimsuit pics! Folks seem to be more interested in Sarah's 88 Ms. Alaska competition photos that her qualifications for VP.

LOL. Gotta love the American mindset.

Here's her then and now pic:

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Of course when the news was announced, the headlines read SARAH PALIN TAPPED FOR McCAIN's RUNNING MATE.

Are you kidding me? I'd tap that too! And now it looks like most of America is behind that headline as well. First MILF VP in history!

Wow. What a day.

Hey, wasn't Cindy McCain a swimsuit model too? I wonder if there's a connection? lol

Ya gotta admit though, McCain has great taste in women. That crafty bastard, he's going to win this erection, I mean election hands down! ;-)

Anyway, if you are actually interested in learning more about this amazing woman, here's her Wiki page.

Oh, and if you came here hoping to find pics of Sarah in her swimsuit? Dude, go take a cold shower.

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//Not yours.

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